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دانشگاه آمریکایی قاهره(The American University in Cairo)

معرفی دانشگاه آمریکایی قاهره

دانشگاه آمریکایی قاهره (American University in Cairo)، دانشگاهی آمریکایی است که در سال ۱۹۱۹ میلادی در شهر قاهره در مصر تأسیس شد. این دانشگاه ۶٬۴۵۳ دانشجو دارد و دروس دانشگاهی در این دانشگاه به زبان‌های انگلیسی تدریس می‌شوند. ین دانشگاه متعهد به تدریس و تحقیق در بالاترین سطح است و هنرهای لیبرال استثنایی و آموزش حرفه ای را در محیط متقابل فرهنگی ارائه می دهد. AUC یک فرهنگ رهبری، یادگیری مادام العمر، آموزش مداوم و خدمات در میان فارغ التحصیلان خود را ایجاد می کند و برای کمک های قابل توجه به مصر و جامعه بین المللی در زمینه های مختلف اختصاص داده شده است.

دانشگاه آمریكایی در قاهره در سال 1919 توسط مأموریت آمریكایی در مصر تأسیس شد ، یك مأموریت پروتستان كه با حمایت مالی از كلیسای متحد پرسبیتریای آمریكای شمالی ، به عنوان یك دانشگاه انگلیسی زبان و مدرسه مقدماتی ساخته شده است. چارلز. واتسون ، بنیانگذار دانشگاه ، می خواست برای تأسیس آموزش عالی ، یک موسسه غربی تأسیس کند. AUC به عنوان یک مدرسه مقدماتی و یک دانشگاه در نظر گرفته شده بود. مدرسه مقدماتی در 5 اکتبر 1920 در کاخ خیری پاشا ، که در دهه 1860 ساخته شده بود ، برای 142 دانش آموز افتتاح شد. اولین گواهینامه های صادر شده گواهینامه های سطح دانشگاه در سال 1923 به 20 دانشجو داده شد. اختلافاتی بین واتسون ، که علاقه مند به ایجاد اعتبار دانشگاهی دانشگاه بود ، و رهبران یونایتد پرسبیستر در ایالات متحده که به دنبال بازگشت دانشگاه به ریشه های مسیحی خود بودند ، وجود داشته است. چهار سال بعد ، واتسون تصمیم گرفت كه دانشگاه نتوانسته است روابط مذهبی اصلی خود را حفظ كند و بهترین امید آن ارتقاء رفتار اخلاقی و اخلاقی خوب است. در ابتدا محدود به دانش آموزان پسر بود و اولین دانشجوی زن خود را در سال 1928 ثبت نام کرد.

موضوع هزینه زندگی بسیار پایین یکی از عوامل بسیار مهم جهت تحصیل دانشجویان در کشور مصر بوده است. شهر cario بالاترین رتبه را در سال 2012 به دلیل فارغ التحصیل شدن بهترین دانشجویان از دانشگاه های این شهر کسب کرد. ناگفته نماند که این شهر با شهر مکزیک رقابت های نزدیکی داشت. به دلیل اینکه هزینه زندگی پایین بسیار مورد توجه افراد بود، لذا دانشجویان مصر را برای تحصیل و به عنوان مقصد خود انتخاب کردند، چرا که این کشور تعداد پنج دانشگاه برتر جهان را در خود جای داده است.

شهر قاهره(کاریو)

بسیاری از بازدید کنندگان شهر کاریو، این شهر را به عنوان شهری که سراسر پوشیده از مناطق دیدنی و اصوات بسیار زیبا می باشد توصیف می نمایند. لذا شما به عنوان یک دانشجو قادر به استفاده از این مناطق، رفتن به کافه های مورد علاقه، بازارها، گوش دادن به موسیقی های مورد نظر و استفاده از مناظر بسیار زیبای رود نیل خواهید بود. کسانی که از فرهنگ کشور مصر لذت می برند، قادر به کشف خانه های اپرا ( جایی که شما قادر به دیدن اپرا خواهید بود )، دیدن رقص باله، اجرای گروه ارکست، گروه موسیقی جاز، رقص های مدرن و بازدید از مناطق دیدنی ماورای جهان خواهند بود. باید بدانید که این شهر در صنعت فیلم، نحوه میزبانی و برگزاری جشن های فیلم سازی بین المللی پیشرفت بسیاری کرده است.

قاهِرِه و بزرگترین شهر جهان عرب و خاورمیانه است. این شهر در بخش شمال شرقی مصر در نزدیکی دلتای نیل جای دارد، رود نیل از میانش می‌گذرد و دریای مدیترانه در ۱۶۵ ک. م شمال آن می‌باشد. کلان‌شهر قاهره با ۱۴٬۴۵۰٬۰۰۰ نفر و ۸۶٬۳۶۹ ک. م مساحت، شانزدهمین شهر پرجمعیّت جهان است.

قاهره در سال ۹۶۹ م (۳۵۸ ق ۳۴۷ ش) ساخته شد. در طول تاریخ پایتخت خاندان‌های بزرگ مصر بوده‌است و از مهمترین مراکز تمدن اسلامی در سده‌های میانه بوده‌است و در سدهٔ ۱۰ م جز نیشابور و بغداد همتایی در جهان اسلام نداشت؛ از این رو، امروزه غنی از مسجدهای تاریخی (که بدین سبب به شهرِ هزار منار مشهور است)، موزه‌های مصر باستان و تاریخ اسلامی، کتابخانه‌ها و مؤسسات نشر است و مرکز گسترش فکری اسلامی و عربی شمرده می‌شود. این شهر همچنین دارای قدیمیترین و بزرگترین صنعت فیلم‌سازی و موسیقی در جهان عرب است. به سبب دانشگاه الازهر، که به عنوان یک مدرسه در سال ۹۷۰ م ساخته شد، دومین بنیاد کهنِ آموزشی عالی در جهان به‌شمار می‌رود. در حال حاضر این شهر یک پایتخت ملی با طراوت و پر رفت‌وآمد است و به ازای هر مایل مربع یکی از بیشترین تراکم‌های جمعیتی دنیا را دارد. با وجود اینکه شهر در تنازع با تأثیرات منفی اجتماعی و محیطی تراکم جمعیت است ولی همچنان به عنوان مرکز اصلی سیاسی، اقتصادی و فرهنگی مصر و نخستین مقصد برای گردشگران باقی مانده‌است.

هنرهای نمایشی: خانهٔ اپرای قاهره جدید (کانون فرهنگی ملی) در سال ۱۹۸۰ و پس از اینکه خانهٔ اپرای اصلی متعلق به قرن نوزدهم در سال ۱۹۷۱ در آتش ویران شد، مورد بازسازی قرار گرفت و اکنون عرصهٔ اصلی برای هنرهای نمایشی شهر است. در خانهٔ اپرای قاهره تئاتر سیاحتی و برنامهٔ گروه‌های موسیقی، باله و شرکت اپرای باله و ارکستر قاهره برنامه اجرا می‌کنند.

اپرای قاهره در جایگاه‌های نمایشی شبیه به پارک ناحیهٔ جزیره (Gazirah Exhibition Grounds) واقع شده‌است که شامل تئاتر در فضای آزاد، آمفی تئاتر و دو سالن سرپوشیده‌است. مرکز مجهز و جدیدتر کنفرانس بین‌المللی قاهره با گنجایش ۲۵۰۰ صندلی در حومهٔ شهری مدینه النصر (Madinat Nasr)، پیشکشی از جانب چینی‌ها در سال ۱۹۹۱ بود. این مرکز در سال بعد و با اجرای بالهٔ گریگورویچ بالت (Grigorovich Ballet) از تئاتر بولشوی روسیه، گشایش یافت. جایگاه‌های اجرای مردمی قاهره اسلامی به ویژه در دورهٔ تعطیلات ماه رمضان خانهٔ مجموعه‌های هنری زینب خاتون (Zeinab Khatoun) و القاری (Al-Ghouri) هستند. نمایش‌ها و کنسرت‌ها نیز در تالار اورت (Ewart Hall) و سالن تئاتر والاس (Wallace Theater)، واقع در محوطهٔ دانشگاه آمریکایی قاهره، به اجرا در می‌آید. قاهره مرکزی برای تئاتر مشروع عربی است اگرچه این اجرائات در معرض سانسور دولتی هستند. رقص باله و مدرن از محبوبیت قابل ملاحظه‌ای در قاهره برخوردارند، شرکت رقص باله (بالهٔ قاهره) در سال ۱۹۶۰ و با کمک اتحاد جماهیر شوروی که معلمین رقص خود را برای آموزش اعضای شرکت به قاهره فرستاد، تأسیس شد. هر چند با اخراج مشاورین شوروی از مصر در سال ۱۹۷۲ اجرای بالهٔ روسی نیز پایان یافت. بعد از این از کیفیت کاری گروه‌های هنری کاسته شد ولی در سال ۱۹۹۱ و با اضافه شدن رقصنده‌هایی از روسیه و ایتالیا این گروه‌ها تقویت شدند. قاهره را نیز پایتخت سینمای جهان عرب می‌دانند، تئاتر عروسکی قاهره از اکتبر تا می و در باغهای ازبکیه (Ezbekiyya Gardens) واقع در شمال آتابا (Ataba)، به اجرا در می‌آید

 هزینه های زندگی در قاهره




Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant

4.53 $


Meal for 2 People, Mid-range Restaurant, Three-course

19.94 $


McMeal at McDonalds (or Equivalent Combo Meal)

4.83 $


Domestic Beer (0.5 liter draught)

1.81 $


Imported Beer (0.33 liter bottle)

3.02 $


Cappuccino (regular)

1.80 $


Coke/Pepsi (0.33 liter bottle)

0.31 $


Water (0.33 liter bottle)

0.22 $




Milk (regular), (1 liter)

0.88 $


Loaf of Fresh White Bread (500g)

0.58 $


Rice (white), (1kg)

0.74 $


Eggs (regular) (12)

1.18 $


Local Cheese (1kg)

3.28 $


Chicken Breasts (Boneless, Skinless), (1kg)

4.65 $


Beef Round (1kg) (or Equivalent Back Leg Red Meat)

8.94 $


Apples (1kg)

1.53 $


Banana (1kg)

0.64 $


Oranges (1kg)

0.40 $


Tomato (1kg)

0.42 $


Potato (1kg)

0.52 $


Onion (1kg)

0.38 $


Lettuce (1 head)

0.29 $


Water (1.5 liter bottle)

0.32 $


Bottle of Wine (Mid-Range)

12.08 $


Domestic Beer (0.5 liter bottle)

1.43 $


Imported Beer (0.33 liter bottle)

2.10 $


Cigarettes 20 Pack (Marlboro)

2.42 $




One-way Ticket (Local Transport)

0.30 $


Monthly Pass (Regular Price)

12.08 $


Taxi Start (Normal Tariff)

0.36 $


Taxi 1km (Normal Tariff)

0.18 $


Taxi 1hour Waiting (Normal Tariff)

1.12 $


Gasoline (1 liter)

0.43 $


Volkswagen Golf 1.4 90 KW Trendline (Or Equivalent New Car)

26,883.34 $


Toyota Corolla 1.6l 97kW Comfort (Or Equivalent New Car)

23,363.94 $


Utilities (Monthly)


Basic (Electricity, Heating, Cooling, Water, Garbage) for 85m2 Apartment

24.30 $


1 min. of Prepaid Mobile Tariff Local (No Discounts or Plans)

0.01 $


Internet (60 Mbps or More, Unlimited Data, Cable/ADSL)

17.85 $


Sports And Leisure


Fitness Club, Monthly Fee for 1 Adult

27.74 $


Tennis Court Rent (1 Hour on Weekend)

7.31 $


Cinema, International Release, 1 Seat

4.53 $




Preschool (or Kindergarten), Full Day, Private, Monthly for 1 Child

138.19 $


International Primary School, Yearly for 1 Child

2,974.76 $


Clothing And Shoes


1 Pair of Jeans (Levis 501 Or Similar)

52.17 $


1 Summer Dress in a Chain Store (Zara, H&M, ...)

52.17 $


1 Pair of Nike Running Shoes (Mid-Range)

129.05 $


1 Pair of Men Leather Business Shoes

70.98 $


Rent Per Month


Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre

216.40 $


Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre

107.51 $


Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre

378.44 $


Apartment (3 bedrooms) Outside of Centre

223.82 $


Buy Apartment Price


Price per Square Meter to Buy Apartment in City Centre

704.81 $


Price per Square Meter to Buy Apartment Outside of Centre

442.27 $


Salaries And Financing


Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax)

217.57 $


Mortgage Interest Rate in Percentages (%), Yearly, for 20 Years Fixed-Rate




دانشگاه آمریکایی قاهره دریک نگاه

نوع دانشگاه: خصوصی

سال تاسیس: 1919

موقعیت: قاهره، مصر

تعداد دانشجویان: 6,453

تعداد دانشجویان کارشناسی: 5,474

تعداد دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی: 979

زبان تحصیلی: انگلیسی

وبسایت: aucegypt.edu

 The American University in Cairo.png


رتبه بندی

نظام رتبه بندی رتبه
Times 601-800


دانشکده ها و دپارتمان ها

The Academy of Liberal Arts

Department of Arabic Language Instruction

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Department of English Language Instruction

Go to information for this department.

Department of Rhetoric and Composition

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·         •  Writing Minor

Other Courses of Study

·         •  Rhetoric and Composition

Core Curriculum

Go to information for this school/college.

Graduate School of Education

Department of International and Comparative Education

Go to information for this department.


·         •  Educational Studies Minor

Master of Arts

·         •  Educational Leadership (M.A.) with concentrations in School Leadership and Higher Education

·         •  International & Comparative Education (M.A.) with concentrations in International Education Development & Policy and Teaching and Learning

Master of Education

·         •  Teaching and Learning (M.Ed.)

Graduate Diploma

·         •  Educational Leadership (Graduate Diploma)

·         •  Inclusive Education (Graduate Diploma)

·         •  International & Comparative Education (Graduate Diploma)

School of Business

Department of Accounting

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Bachelor of Accounting

·         •  Accounting (B.A.C.)


·         •  Accounting Minor

Department of Economics

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Bachelor of Arts

·         •  Economics (B.A.)


·         •  Economics Minor

Master of Arts

·         •  Economics in International Development (M.A.)

·         •  Economics with a Thesis Option or with concentrations in Middle East Economic Development, Competitive Strategy and Valuation, International Economics, and Financial Economics for Non-Thesis Track (M.A.)

Graduate Diploma

·         •  Economics in International Development (Graduate Diploma)

Department of Management

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Bachelor of Business Administration

·         •  Business Administration, with concentrations in Marketing, Finance, Management of Information Systems, Entrepreneurship and International Business (B.B.A.)

·         •  Management of Information and Communication Technology (B.B.A.)


·         •  Business Administration Minor

·         •  Entrepreneurship Minor

·         •  Information Systems Minor

Master in International Management/CEMS

·         •  Master in International Management/CEMS (MIM/CEMS)

Master of Science

·         •  Finance, with concentrations in Corporate Finance, Investments, and FinTech (M.Sc.)

Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) Program

Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)

·         •  Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)

Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

·         •  Business Administration, with tracks in Finance, Marketing, Operations Management, Management of Information Technology and Construction Industry (M.B.A.)

School of Global Affairs and Public Policy

Department of Journalism & Mass Communication

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Bachelor of Arts

·         •  Communication and Media Arts (B.A.)

·         •  Integrated Marketing Communication (B.A.)

·         •  Multimedia Journalism (B.A.)


·         •  Arabic Writing and Reporting Minor

·         •  Journalism and Mass Communication Minor

Master of Arts

·         •  Journalism and Mass Communication (M.A.)

Department of Law

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Dual Degree Programs

·         •  Political Science (B.A.) and International Human Rights Law (M.A.)

Master of Arts

·         •  International Human Rights Law and Justice (M.A.)

Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International and Comparative Law

·         •  International and Comparative Law (LL.M.)

Graduate Diploma

·         •  International and Comparative Law (Graduate Diploma)

·         •  International Human Rights Law and Justice (Graduate Diploma)

Department of Public Policy and Administration

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·         •  Global and Public Affairs Minor

Dual Degree Programs

·         •  Development Practice (MDP) option BSc/CENG-MPA

Master of Global Affairs

·         •  Global Affairs, with concentrations in International and Regional Security and International Cooperation in the Global System (MGA)

Master of Public Administration (MPA)

·         •  Master of Public Administration

Master of Public Policy

·         •  Public Policy (MPP)

Graduate Diploma

·         •  Global Affairs (Graduate Diploma)

·         •  Public Administration (Graduate Diploma)

·         •  Public Policy (Graduate Diploma)

The Cynthia Nelson Institute for Gender and Women’s Studies

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·         •  Gender Studies Minor

Master of Arts

·         •  Gender and Women’s Studies in the Middle East/North Africa, with specializations in Geographies of Gender and Justice, Gendered Political Economies, and Gender and Women’s Studies in the Middle East/ North Africa (M.A.)

Graduate Diploma

·         •  Gender and Women’s Studies in the Middle East and North Africa (Graduate Diploma)

Center for Migration and Refugee Studies

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Master of Arts

·         •  Migration and Refugee Studies with concentrations in Migration, and in Refugee Studies (M.A.)

Graduate Diploma

·         •  Migration and Refugee Studies (Graduate Diploma)

·         •  Psychosocial Interventions for Forced Migrants and Refugees (Graduate Diploma)

Kamal Adham Center for Television and Digital Journalism

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Master of Arts

·         •  Television and Digital Journalism (M.A.)

Middle East Studies Program

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Bachelor of Arts

·         •  Middle East Studies (B.A.)

Master of Arts

·         •  Middle East Studies (M.A.)

Graduate Diploma

·         •  Middle East Studies (Graduate Diploma)

Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud Center for American Studies and Research

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·         •  American Studies Minor

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department of Applied Linguistics

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·         •  Linguistics Minor

Master of Arts

·         •  Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (M.A.)

·         •  Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (M.A.)

Graduate Diploma

·         •  TAFL (Graduate Diploma)

·         •  TESOL (Graduate Diploma)

Department of Arab and Islamic Civilizations

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Bachelor of Arts

·         •  Arabic Studies, with specializations in Arabic Literature, Middle Eastern History and Islamic Art and Architecture (B.A.)


·         •  Arab and Islamic Civilizations Minor

·         •  Arabic Literature Minor

·         •  Classical/Medieval Islamic History Minor

·         •  Islamic Art and Architecture Minor

·         •  Islamic Studies Minor

Master of Arts

·         •  Arabic Studies, with specializations in Islamic Art and Architecture, Arabic Language and Literature, Middle Eastern History and Islamic Studies (M.A.)

Graduate Diploma

·         •  Arabic Studies (Graduate Diploma)

Department of English & Comparative Literature

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Bachelor of Arts

·         •  English and Comparative Literature (B.A.)


·         •  English and Comparative Literature Minor

Master of Arts

·         •  English and Comparative Literature (M.A.)

Graduate Diploma

·         •  Comparative Literary Studies (Graduate Diploma)

Department of History

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Bachelor of Arts

·         •  History (B.A.)

·         •  Honors Program in History (B.A.)


·         •  Comparative Religion Minor

·         •  History Minor

Department of Philosophy

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Bachelor of Arts

·         •  Philosophy (B.A.)


·         •  Philosophy Minor

Master of Arts

·         •  Philosophy (M.A.)

Department of Political Science

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Bachelor of Arts

·         •  Honors Program in Political Science (B.A.)

·         •  Political Science, with specializations in General Political Science, International Relations, Middle East Politics, Political Economy and Public and International Law (B.A.)


·         •  International Relations Minor

·         •  Middle East Politics Minor

·         •  Political Economy Minor

·         •  Political Science Minor

Master of Arts

·         •  Political Science, Joint Program with University of Tubingen (Comparative and Middle East Politics and Society- CMEPS), with specializations in Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Development Studies (M.A.)

·         •  Political Science, with specializations in Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Development Studies (M.A.)

Graduate Diploma

·         •  Political Science (Graduate Diploma)

Department of Psychology

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Bachelor of Arts

·         •  Psychology (B.A.)


·         •  Psychology Minor

Master of Arts

·         •  Community Psychology (M.A.)

·         •  Counseling Psychology (M.A.)

Graduate Diploma

·         •  Community Psychology (Graduate Diploma)

·         •  Inclusive Education (Graduate Diploma)

Department of Sociology, Egyptology and Anthropology

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Bachelor of Arts

·         •  Anthropology (B.A.)

·         •  Egyptology (B.A.)

·         •  Sociology (B.A.)


·         •  Anthropology Minor

·         •  Community Development and Organizing Minor

·         •  Coptic Studies Minor

·         •  Development Studies Minor

·         •  Egyptology Minor

·         •  Sociology Minor

Master of Arts

·         •  Egyptology and Coptology MA, with tracks in Art, Archaeology and History; Language, Literature and Religion; and Coptology (M.A.)

·         •  Sociology-Anthropology (M.A.)

Graduate Diploma

·         •  Sociology - Anthropology (Graduate Diploma)

Department of the Arts

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Bachelor of Arts

·         •  Film (B.A.)

·         •  Graphic Design (B.A.)

·         •  Music Technology (B.A.)

·         •  Theatre (B.A.)

·         •  Visual Arts (B.A.)

Bachelor of Musical Arts (B.M.A.)

·         •  Performance (B.M.A.)


·         •  Film Minor

·         •  Interactive Media Design Minor

·         •  Music Minor

·         •  Music Technology Minor

·         •  Theatre Minor

·         •  Type Design Minor

School of Sciences and Engineering

Department of Architecture

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Bachelor of Science

·         •  Architectural Engineering (B.S.)


·         •  Architectural Design Minor

·         •  Design of Interior Spaces Minor

Master of Science

·         •  Architecture (M.Sc.)

Department of Biology

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Bachelor of Science

·         •  Biology (B.Sc.) with concentrations in Marine Biology or Molecular and Cell Biology


·         •  Bioinformatics Minor

·         •  Biology Minor

·         •  Biomedical Sciences Minor

·         •  Environmental Science Minor

Other Courses of Study

·         •  Premedical Track

Department of Chemistry

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Bachelor of Science

·         •  Chemistry, with specializations in Petrochemical Industry, Clinical Chemistry, and Food Chemistry (B.S.)


·         •  Archaeological Chemistry Minor

·         •  Chemistry Minor

Master of Science

·         •  Chemistry, with concentration in Food Chemistry and Nutrition (M.Sc.)

Graduate Diploma

·         •  Food Chemistry and Nutrition (Graduate Diploma)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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Bachelor of Science

·         •  Computer Engineering (B.S)

·         •  Computer Science (B.S)


·         •  Computer Science Minor

Master in Computing (M. Comp.)

·         •  Computing (M. Comp.)

Master of Science

·         •  Computer Science (M.Sc.)

Graduate Diploma

·         •  Computer Science (Graduate Diploma)

Department of Construction Engineering

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Bachelor of Science

·         •  Construction Engineering, with concentrations in Construction Materials and Structures, Construction Management and Technology and Infrastructure (B.S.)

Master of Engineering

·         •  Construction Engineering (M.Eng.)

Master of Science

·         •  Construction Engineering (M.Sc.)

Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering

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Bachelor of Science

·         •  Electronics and Communications Engineering (B.S)


·         •  Electronics Minor

Master of Engineering

·         •  Electronics and Communications Engineering (M. Eng.)

·         •  Electronics and Communications Engineering with Concentration in Management of Technology (M. Eng.)

Master of Science

·         •  Electronics and Communications Engineering (M. Sc.)

Department of Mathematics and Actuarial Science

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Bachelor of Science

·         •  Actuarial Science (B.S.)

·         •  Data Science (B.Sc.)

·         •  Mathematics, with an option in Statistics & Data Analysis (B.S.)


·         •  Applied Probability and Statistics Minor

·         •  Financial Mathematics Minor

·         •  Mathematics Minor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Bachelor of Science

·         •  Mechanical Engineering, with concentrations in Design, Industrial, Materials and Manufacturing, Mechatronics, and Power (B.S.)


·         •  Mechatronics

Master of Engineering

·         •  Mechanical Engineering (M.Eng.)

Master of Science

·         •  Mechanical Engineering, with specializations in Design, Industrial Engineering, Materials & Manufacturing Engineering, Mechatronics, and Power (M.Sc.)

Department of Petroleum and Energy Engineering

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Bachelor of Science

·         •  Petroleum Engineering (B.S.)


·         •  Petroleum Engineering Minor

Master of Engineering

·         •  Petroleum Engineering (M.Eng.)

Master of Science

·         •  Petroleum Engineering (M.Sc.)

Department of Physics

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Bachelor of Science

·         •  Physics, with a specialization in Solar Energy (B.S.)


·         •  Physics Minor

Master of Science

·         •  Physics (M.Sc.)

Graduate Diploma

·         •  Physics (Graduate Diploma)

Biotechnology Program

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Master of Science

·         •  Biotechnology (M.Sc.)

Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Program

Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

·         •  Applied Sciences, with specializations in Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Global Public Health and Nanotechnology (Ph.D.)

·         •  Engineering, with specializations in Construction Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, Control & Smart Systems (Ph.D.)

Environmental Engineering Program

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Master of Engineering

·         •  Environmental Systems Design (M.Eng.)

Master of Science

·         •  Environmental Engineering (M.Sc.)

Global Public Health Program

Master of Global Public Health (MPH)

·         •  Global Public Health (MPH) with concentrations in Environmental Health, Precision Health and Global Public Health Policy and Management

Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

·         •  Applied Sciences with Specialization in Global Public Health (Ph.D)

Nanotechnology Program

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Master of Science

·         •  Nanotechnology (M.Sc.)

Robotics, Control and Smart Systems Program

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Master of Engineering

·         •  Robotics, Control and Smart Systems (M.Eng.)

Master of Science

·         •  Robotics, Control and Smart Systems (M.Sc.)

Sustainable Development Program

Dual Degree Programs

·         •  Sustainable Development M.Sc. (Dual Degree)

Master of Science

·         •  Sustainable Development (M.Sc.) with concentrations in Green Technologies, Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Communities

Graduate Diploma

·         •  Sustainable Development (Graduate Diploma)

Engineering Steering Committee for ENGR Graduate Courses

Go to information for this department.

Engineering Steering Committee for ENGR Undergraduate Courses

Go to information for this department.


برنامه های تحصیلی مقطع کارشناسی

Bachelor of Accounting


Accounting (B.A.C.) 


Bachelor of Arts


Anthropology (B.A.) 

Arabic Studies, with specializations in Arabic Literature, Middle Eastern History and Islamic Art and Architecture (B.A.) 

Communication and Media Arts (B.A.) 

Economics (B.A.) 

Egyptology (B.A.) 

English and Comparative Literature (B.A.) 

Film (B.A.) 

Graphic Design (B.A.) 

History (B.A.) 

Honors Program in History (B.A.) 

Honors Program in Political Science (B.A.) 

Integrated Marketing Communication (B.A.) 

Middle East Studies (B.A.) 

Multimedia Journalism (B.A.) 

Music Technology (B.A.) 

Philosophy (B.A.) 

Political Science, with specializations in General Political Science, International Relations, Middle East Politics, Political Economy and Public and International Law (B.A.) 

Psychology (B.A.) 

Sociology (B.A.) 

Theatre (B.A.) 

Visual Arts (B.A.) 

Bachelor of Business Administration


Business Administration, with concentrations in Marketing, Finance, Management of Information Systems, Entrepreneurship and International Business (B.B.A.) 

Management of Information and Communication Technology (B.B.A.) 

Bachelor of Musical Arts (B.M.A.)


Performance (B.M.A.) 

Bachelor of Science


Actuarial Science (B.S.) 

Architectural Engineering (B.S.) 

Biology (B.Sc.) with concentrations in Marine Biology or Molecular and Cell Biology 

Chemistry, with specializations in Petrochemical Industry, Clinical Chemistry, and Food Chemistry (B.S.) 

Computer Engineering (B.S) 

Computer Science (B.S) 

Construction Engineering, with concentrations in Construction Materials and Structures, Construction Management and Technology and Infrastructure (B.S.) 

Data Science (B.Sc.) 

Electronics and Communications Engineering (B.S) 

Mathematics, with an option in Statistics & Data Analysis (B.S.) 

Mechanical Engineering, with concentrations in Design, Industrial, Materials and Manufacturing, Mechatronics, and Power (B.S.) 

Petroleum Engineering (B.S.) 

Physics, with a specialization in Solar Energy (B.S.) 




Accounting Minor 

American Studies Minor 

Anthropology Minor 

Applied Probability and Statistics Minor 

Arab and Islamic Civilizations Minor 

Arabic Literature Minor 

Arabic Writing and Reporting Minor 

Archaeological Chemistry Minor 

Architectural Design Minor 

Bioinformatics Minor 

Biology Minor 

Biomedical Sciences Minor 

Business Administration Minor 

Chemistry Minor 

Classical/Medieval Islamic History Minor 

Community Development and Organizing Minor 

Comparative Religion Minor 

Computer Science Minor 

Coptic Studies Minor  

Design of Interior Spaces Minor 

Development Studies Minor 

Interactive Media Design Minor 

Economics Minor 

Educational Studies Minor 

Egyptology Minor 

Electronics Minor 

English and Comparative Literature Minor 

Entrepreneurship Minor 

Environmental Science Minor 

Film Minor 

Financial Mathematics Minor 

Global and Public Affairs Minor 

Gender Studies Minor  

History Minor 

Information Systems Minor 

International Relations Minor 

Islamic Art and Architecture Minor 

Islamic Studies Minor 

Journalism and Mass Communication Minor 

Linguistics Minor 

Mathematics Minor 


Middle East Politics Minor 

Music Minor 

Music Technology Minor  

Petroleum Engineering Minor 

Philosophy Minor 

Physics Minor 

Political Economy Minor 

Political Science Minor 

Psychology Minor 

Sociology Minor 

Theatre Minor 

Type Design Minor 

Writing Minor 



Dual Degree Programs


Development Practice (MDP) option BSc/CENG-MPA 

Political Science (B.A.) and International Human Rights Law (M.A.) 


Other Courses of Study


Premedical Track 

Rhetoric and Composition 



 برنامه های تحصیلی مقطع کارشناسی ارشد

Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Applied Sciences, with specializations in Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Global Public Health and Nanotechnology (Ph.D.)  

Engineering, with specializations in Construction Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, Control & Smart Systems (Ph.D.) 

Master of Arts

Arabic Studies, with specializations in Islamic Art and Architecture, Arabic Language and Literature, Middle Eastern History and Islamic Studies (M.A.) 

Community Psychology (M.A.) 

Counseling Psychology (M.A.) 

Economics in International Development (M.A.) 

Economics with a Thesis Option or with concentrations in Middle East Economic Development, Competitive Strategy and Valuation, International Economics, and Financial Economics for Non-Thesis Track (M.A.) 

Educational Leadership (M.A.) with concentrations in School Leadership and Higher Education 

Egyptology and Coptology MA, with tracks in Art, Archaeology and History; Language, Literature and Religion; and Coptology (M.A.) 

English and Comparative Literature (M.A.) 

Gender and Women’s Studies in the Middle East/North Africa, with specializations in Geographies of Gender and Justice, Gendered Political Economies, and Gender and Women’s Studies in the Middle East/ North Africa (M.A.) 

International & Comparative Education (M.A.) with concentrations in International Education Development & Policy and Teaching and Learning 

International Human Rights Law and Justice (M.A.) 

Journalism and Mass Communication (M.A.) 

Middle East Studies (M.A.) 

Migration and Refugee Studies with concentrations in Migration, and in Refugee Studies (M.A.) 

Philosophy (M.A.) 

Political Science, Joint Program with University of Tubingen (Comparative and Middle East Politics and Society- CMEPS), with specializations in Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Development Studies (M.A.) 

Political Science, with specializations in Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Development Studies (M.A.) 

Sociology-Anthropology (M.A.) 

Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language (M.A.) 

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (M.A.) 

Television and Digital Journalism (M.A.) 


Masters of Business Administration, (MBA)


Business Administration, with tracks in Finance, Marketing, Operations Management, Management of Information Technology and Construction Industry (M.B.A.) 


Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)


Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) 


Master of Computing (M. Comp.)


 Computing (M. Comp.) 


Master of Education (M.Ed)

Teaching and Learning (M.Ed.) 


Master of Engineering


Construction Engineering (M.Eng.) 

Electronics and Communications Engineering (M. Eng.) 

Electronics and Communications Engineering with Concentration in Management of Technology (M. Eng.) 

Environmental Systems Design (M.Eng.) 

Mechanical Engineering (M.Eng.) 

Petroleum Engineering (M.Eng.)  

Robotics, Control and Smart Systems (M.Eng.) 


Master of Global Affairs


Global Affairs, with concentrations in International and Regional Security and International Cooperation in the Global System (MGA) 

Master of Global Public Health

Global Public Health (MPH) with concentrations in Environmental Health, Precision Health and Global Public Health Policy and Management 



Master of International Management/CEMS

Master in International Management/CEMS (MIM/CEMS)                                                                                                                 


Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International and Comparative Law


International and Comparative Law (LL.M.) 


Master of Public Administration (MPA)


Master of Public Administration 


Master of Public Policy


 Public Policy (MPP) 


Master of Science


Architecture (M.Sc.) 

Biotechnology (M.Sc.) 

Chemistry, with concentration in Food Chemistry and Nutrition (M.Sc.) 

Computer Science (M.Sc.) 

Construction Engineering (M.Sc.) 

Electronics and Communications Engineering (M. Sc.) 

Environmental Engineering (M.Sc.) 

Finance, with concentrations in Corporate Finance, Investments, and FinTech (M.Sc.) 

Petroleum Engineering (M.Sc.) 

Mechanical Engineering, with specializations in Design, Industrial Engineering, Materials & Manufacturing Engineering, Mechatronics, and Power (M.Sc.) 

Nanotechnology (M.Sc.) 

Physics (M.Sc.) 

Robotics, Control and Smart Systems (M.Sc.) 

Sustainable Development (M.Sc.) with concentrations in Green Technologies, Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Communities  


Dual Degree Programs


Development Practice (MDP) option BSc/CENG-MPA 

Political Science (B.A.) and International Human Rights Law (M.A.) 

Sustainable Development M.Sc. (Dual Degree) 


Graduate Diploma


Arabic Studies (Graduate Diploma) 

Community Psychology (Graduate Diploma) 

Comparative Literary Studies (Graduate Diploma) 

Computer Science (Graduate Diploma) 

Economics in International Development (Graduate Diploma) 

Educational Leadership (Graduate Diploma) 

Food Chemistry and Nutrition (Graduate Diploma) 

Global Affairs (Graduate Diploma) 

Gender and Women’s Studies in the Middle East and North Africa (Graduate Diploma) 

Inclusive Education (Graduate Diploma) 

International & Comparative Education (Graduate Diploma)  

International and Comparative Law (Graduate Diploma) 

International Human Rights Law and Justice (Graduate Diploma) 

Middle East Studies (Graduate Diploma) 

Migration and Refugee Studies (Graduate Diploma)    

Physics (Graduate Diploma) 

Political Science (Graduate Diploma) 

Psychosocial Interventions for Forced Migrants and Refugees (Graduate Diploma) 

Public Administration (Graduate Diploma) 

Public Policy (Graduate Diploma) 

Sociology - Anthropology (Graduate Diploma) 

Sustainable Development (Graduate Diploma) 

TAFL (Graduate Diploma) 

TESOL (Graduate Diploma) 



برای مشاهده مدارک موردنیاز هر برنامه تحصیلی به لینک های موجود در بالای صفحه در قسمت برنامه های تحصیلی مراجعه نمایید.

با کلیک بر روی نام هر برنامه به صفحه برنامه تحصیلی موردنظر در وبسایت دانشگاه هدایت می شوید.

برای اطلاعات بیشتر نیز میتوانید به جدول زیر مراجعه نمایید.


Criteria for Admission of Graduate Students

The university requires the following minimum standards in admitting graduate students. Actual admissions for a given program may be at a higher level as specified by this program.

Qualifications for graduate programs

Applicants for graduate study must have an accredited Bachelor’s degree with an academic record at a level sufficient to qualify for full or provisional admission as described under “Categories of Admission” below. For consistency, the final grades for all transcripts submitted will be calculated to a final GPA mark on a scale of 1 to 4, where 4 is the highest grade. Transcripts showing only a rank grade (such as gayyed gidan), without indication of  a GPA or percent value will be calculated as follows:


= Excellent

=3.75 GPA

Gayyed Gidan

=Very Good

=3.25 GPA


= Good

= 2.75 GPA


= Pass

= 2.25 GPA

However, when transcripts show grade rank value (such as gayyed gidan), as well as GPA or percent value, then the GPA or percent value will be calculated to a GPA value on a scale of 1-4, and will take priority over the rank value.

Additional criteria such as the following may also be considered when evaluating a candidate for admission to the graduate program:

1.       Evidence of academic English proficiency as required by the relevant graduate program.

2.       Test scores (GRE, GMAT, etc. where applicable).

3.       Maturing time since undergraduate experience.

4.       Work experience in a field related to the program applied for.

5.       Strong faculty advocacy with written intent to mentor the student.

6.       References from instructor and/or employer speaking to motivation and maturity.

7.       Personal interview.

8.       Departmental Arabic language test for specific programs.

9.       Any post high-school academic records showing evidence of being prepared for graduate level courses.

Qualifications for Ph.D. Degree programs

Applicants must have completed both an accredited Bachelor of Science degree and Master’s degree with an academic record at a level sufficient to qualify for admissions. In additional to the criteria mentioned above for MA and MS degrees the following is also considered when evaluating a candidate for admission to the PhD program:

1.       Academic performance showing evidence they are prepared for PhD level courses.

2.       GRE test scores that suggest potential.

3.       Thesis abstract.

4.       Research interest and objectives.

5.       Evidence of academic English proficiency prior to enrollment.

English Language Proficiency

Applicants must demonstrate knowledge of adequate English language for graduate studies. For full admission to the university, graduate applicants must attain the required score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (International TOEFL, iBT), or on the International English Language Testing System (Academic IELTS) examination, or on the academic Cambridge Assessment English test. (only Advanced or Proficiency exams are accepted).

Exemptions from these English language examinations is allowed if all the following conditions are met: 
1. The applicant is currently enrolled or recently enrolled (within a maximum of 2 years prior to the intended start semester at AUC) or graduated from an accredited university where English is the sole language of instruction for its programs, and the program of study is an academic one and was, instructed solely in English.

Enrollment refers to one continuous year of full course load (a minimum of 9 credit hours per semester for graduate studies or 12 credit hours per semester of undergraduate studies, or their equivalent). English language courses are not included in this count.
2.The mode of study  was full time attendance. 

3.The accredited university is in a country where English is an official language.

ln the absence of the condition that English  is an official language of the country, exemption from the required English language examinations applies, conditional to both the following points:

a. If the University is classified in the World Higher Education Database (WHED) or in the International Handbook of Universities as an institution where English is the “sole” language of instruction.

b. If the English language requirements of the home university are no less that those required at AUC for a full admission status. In this case, the applicant must submit an official confirmation from the home university’s registrar, with reference to test details and results, that the applicant has met the home university English language placement requirements for admission.

There can be no wavier for the required English language examination if:

·         It is a mandatory requirement for fellowship eligibility at AUC.

·         The accredited degrees earned were completed under an affiliation or joint program, where such degrees are earned from an accredited institute where English is the sole language of instruction, but full time attendance was at another accredited institute that is in a country where English is not an official language. In case this other accredited institute is one where English is the sole language of instruction as per the classification of the World Higher Education Database or in the International Handbook of Universities, point (3.a) above applies.

·         Valid iBT TOEFL or academic IELTS or Cambridge Assessment English tests results are evident and indicating a placement of less than full admission, in which case the test results will over-rule all other reasons for possible test exemptions.

Additional notes:

·         Degree seeking applicants who do not attain the minimum test score required for full admission, but are otherwise qualified for admission are placed in an English language Instruction (ELI) course for further language study.

·         Non degree seeking applicants must attain at least the test score required for full admission to be accepted.

·         Applicants may submit results for more than one test as long as these are submitted within the approved admission evaluation deadlines. The highest of the valid scores will be considered for admission.

·         The validity of any of these English language examinations is two years from the day of the exam. The results will not be considered for graduate admission if the expiry date is before the first day of registered classes at AUC.

·         The American University in Cairo reserves the right to request English proficiency test results from any applicant as deemed necessary.

Computer and Library Skills

Graduate students may be asked to demonstrate a minimum competency in use of computers and academic libraries as they relate to graduate study and research.

Entrance Examination

The program of major may require applicants to sit for a graduate entrance examination, the results of which will be considered at the time of admission.

1. Science and Engineering departments require PhD applicants to sit for a Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Also, applicants to MA programs in Economics, Economics in International Development are required to sit for the GRE exam.

2. The Department of Management requires MBA applicants to sit for the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT).

3. Applicants to MS in Finance are required to sit for either the GMAT or GRE tests.

4. The Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language program may require an Arabic Language Test based on the evaluation of the application.

GRE and GMAT exams have a validity of 5 years from the test date. If GRE and GMAT results are to be considered for admission to graduate studies, then the expiry date of their validity must fall after the first day of classes of the first semester of registration in the relevant graduate program.

Graduate Diploma Programs

The university offers a number of graduate diploma programs for which a bachelor’s degree with an acceptable GPA are required.

When recommended by program faculty, students may be accepted for diploma programs without commitment or expectation of future admission for a master’s degree.

Diploma applicants follow the same requirements and procedures for admission as master’s degree-seeking students.

Admission Deferral

Only fully admitted applicants may defer their admission if the deposit against their tuition is paid to hold a place in the program, and the deferral request must be placed before the first day of classes of the semester originally applied to. This privilege may be exercised only once, and the deferral can be for a maximum of one academic year. Full admission that is conditioned by the submission of original documents will not be considered for deferral if these requirements are not submitted within the deadlines set by the Office of Graduate Admissions.

In cases where admitted applicants’ test results expire before the start of the semester to which admission is to be deferred, they must submit new satisfactory test results before the expiry date or else deferral will be deactivated.

Applicants granted provisional admission cannot defer their admission, but may reapply in a subsequent semester.

Applicants are allowed 2 weeks after the admission application deadline, to complete the credentials of the application. If during this allowance period the applicant decides that he/she cannot submit the required test results on time, then the application can be deferred, upon the applicant’s request, to a subsequent semester, only if all other credentials are submitted, and all that remains pending is the test results. This type of deferral request is not permitted past the allowance period. Incomplete files cannot be deferred for processing in a following semester.


مشاهیردانشگاه آمریکایی قاهره

Rania Al-Abdullah is the queen consort of Jordan. Born in Kuwait to a Palestinian family, she later moved to Jordan for work, where she met the then prince Abdullah. Since marrying the now King of Jordan in 1993, she has become known for her advocacy work related to education, health, community empowerment, youth, cross-cultural dialogue and micro-finance. She is also an avid user of social media and she maintains pages on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram and Twitter. She has two daughters and two sons and has been awarded various decorations by governments Queen Rania of Jordan Official Release 05 (cropped).jpg
Amr Waked is an Egyptian film, television, and stage actor. He is best known to international audiences and in Hollywood for his role in the 2005 film Syriana.Other prominent roles include him playing a Yemeni Sheikh called Muhammad in Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, and Pierre Del Rio in Luc Besson's Lucy. Amr Waked.jpg

Hon. Dr Anne Azza Aly is an Australian politician who has been a Labor member of the House of Representatives since the 2016 election, representing the electorate of Cowan in Western Australia. Aly is the first female federal parliamentarian of Muslim faith.Aly was a professor, lecturer and academic specialising in counter-terrorism, and she is considered a global authority on understanding how and why young people are drawn into violent extremism.

Anne Aly MP.jpg

John Owen Brennan is a former American intelligence official who served as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from March 2013 to January 2017. He served as chief counterterrorism advisor to U.S. President Barack Obama, with the title Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, and Assistant to the President. Previously, he advised Obama on foreign policy and intelligence issues during the 2008 election campaign and presidential transition. Brennan withdrew his name from consideration for Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the first Obama administration over concerns about his support, after defending on TV the transferring of terror suspects to countries where they might be tortured while serving under President George W. Bush.

John Brennan CIA official portrait.jpg

Hassan Abdalla is an Egyptian financier globally recognized for his expertise in treasury and investment services. He is the Chief Executive Officer of the Arab African International Bank (AAIB), a leading regional financial services institution with a strong banking tradition that spans more than half a century since its inception in 1964. Established by a special law as a joint venture between the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) and the Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA), AAIB was Egypt's first Arab multinational bank, unique in its focus on leveraging the wealth of the region, not just Egypt.


Mohammad Hisham Mahmoud Mohammad Abbas  commonly known as just Hisham Abbas  is an Egyptian pop singer best known for his hit song "Habibi Dah (Nari Narain)" and his religious song "Asmaa Allah al-husna".

Hisham Abbas 2008-07-15 Cairo.jpg


 مراکز تحقیقاتی مهم دانشگاه

Yousef Jameel Science and Technology Research Center

The Science and Technology Research Center supports a variety of nanoscience and technology- oriented projects. Research activities are centered around generic imaging, analysis and fabrication equipment and focus on nanomaterials characterization and design and fabrication of micro-opto-electromechanical systems.

Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud Center for American Studies and Research

The Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud Center for American Studies and Research serves as a catalyst for independent research in American studies both within the university and with the outside community by providing intellectual and information resources to support those wishing to study the United States more fully.

Cynthia Nelson Institute for Gender and Women's Studies

The Institute for Gender and Women's Studies is a multipurpose and interdisciplinary research center that serves scholars interested in gender and women's studies in the Middle East/North Africa, South Asia and Africa.

Access to Knowledge for Development Center (A2K4D)

Access to Knowledge for Development Center (A2K4D) is a center for academic scholarship, research and policy analysis on access to knowledge for development in Egypt and the Arab world. 

The Center for Translation Studies (CTS)

The Center for Translation Studies is a research facility that fosters collaborative outreach programs and research in translation and translation studies within an interdisciplinary context.

Middle East Studies Center (MESC)

The American University in Cairo's Middle East Studies Center draws upon various methods and disciplines of study. The interdisciplinary nature of the Area Studies program provides students with exposure to a variety of curricula. Students are given the unique opportunity to study the Middle East through an array of historical, sociological, political and economic frameworks.

Kamal Adham Center for Television and Digital Journalism

The Kamal Adham Center for Television and Digital Journalism is home to the oldest and most respected graduate journalism program in the Arab world. It was founded in 1985 by Professor Emeritus Abdallah Schleifer with the generous support of AUC board member Sheikh Kamal Adham. 

Center for Migration and Refugee Studies (CMRS)

The Center for Migration and Refugee Studies (CMRS) was first established in 2000 as the Forced Migration and Refugee Studies program (FMRS) and was expanded in 2008 into a Regional Center encompassing all forms of international mobility, whether voluntary or forced, economic or political, individual or collective, temporary or permanent.

John D. Gerhart Center for Philanthropy and Civic Engagement and Responsible Business

Established in honor of AUC's former president, the John D. Gerhart Center for Philanthropy and Civic Engagement and Responsible Business consolidates university activities aimed at encouraging engaged citizenship and service and promotes philanthropic giving in the Arab region.

El Khazendar Business Research and Case Center

El Khazendar Business Research and Case Center provides world-class case studies and other educational services offering students outstanding participant-centered learning tools. KCC's services are dedicated to developing top caliber students, connecting businesses and students in the region and ultimately contributing to the betterment of the society through academic research and practical applications. 

Social Research Center

The Social Research Center conducts and encourages multidisciplinary social science research in Egypt and the Arab region, trains researchers, guides and assists graduate students, scholars and organizations engaged in social science research in the region.

AUC Forum

The AUC Forum applies respected academic standards to the analysis of policy-oriented issues. In addition, the AUC Forum highlights issues that bridge the Middle East and the wider world. To this end, the AUC Forum, alone or in collaboration with national, regional, and international institutions, holds conferences, international workshops, and panels on timely topics crucial to the region and the world in the twenty-first century.

Center for Applied Research on the Environment and Sustainability

Center for Applied Research on the Environment and Sustainability (CARES) is a result of the merger of the Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) and the Research Institute for Sustainable Environment (RISE).